Friday, March 2, 2012

Got Ink?

Maybe I should say got ink on something other than paper?  While at a city meeting last night, Eric let Toodles play with his pen in hopes of keeping her entertained and quite.  It worked for a bit until mom noticed that Toodles was doing art work on every piece of clothing she was wearing (her jeans, fleece, and onesie) and then took the pen away.  The good news is that my mom taught me a very dandy trick - when it comes to taking ink out of anything, rubbing alcohol is a must.  With a couple of cotton balls and Q-Tips and five minutes later all of Toodles art work was gone. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful trick ! I can't count the times I called your mom with a problem I knew she could solve. She is a walking encyclopedia of how-to's and creative ideas. You are fortunate that you got that gene too :)
